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July 14, 2003 - 4:43 p.m.

Sorry it took so long!

Monday, June 16th, around 5am went into labor. 8amish I called hospital told them "Hey they are 7 minutes apart, you said to call" They told me to come in. Get there, they say "Well you aren't progressing so you can stay here or go home." Forget staying at the hospital so I came home. Went back at 6pm, nothing had changed. So they stuck me on drugs to make it go quicker, which hurt more, so they gave me drugs that made me feel drunk.

Around 2 or 3 in the am, which numbed me from the waist down and still had not progressed at all. They upped the "give birth faster drugs." So finally the next day around oh say 12pm I got to where I needed to be. So I got to push. YAY! Usually you push for an hour and a half to two for first pregnancies... THEY say it was 4 hours later... I think I started pushing closer to 1pm so it was 3 hours later, I had not made ANY progress...even AFTER they turned off the pain meds. (fun) So they said... hmmm maybe since you have been in labor for about 36 hours we prolly should cut ya open and pull the kid out. I was like "Sure... " so we went to do that... and the baby decided to be even MORE difficult.

When they cut me open to take him out, he actually moved higher in my body so they couldn't get him. THEN instead of having a head to pull out he turned around and decided to moon the doctors. Doing this he also tore me up really bad. I don't remember this as they knocked me out because of the bleeding. BUT I apparently started shoving the doctor even in my sleep.

My baby was born perfectly healthy, not a scratch on him. Heh. It was worth it, but man it was hard.

Tyler Daniel Grauert

Born 4:46pm June 17th, 2003.

7 lbs, 12 oz.

20 1/4 inches

and here are pictures!

Picture One

Picture Two

I am gonna have to go now. Take care!

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